About me

Hi there,

You can call me Fox. It’s been my nickname since forever. It used to be Wild Fox, but I have just recently (I mean, since somewhen around 2013 or 2014) changed it to The IT Fox, making it more or less unique; so, hey, if you happen to encounter another The IT Fox somewhere in some games, that’s probably me.

I have been blogging since probably 2007, when first I started on Yahoo 360. It died, but left me some sweet memories. I blogged about random stuffs that time, when I was still in highschool, and it got probably over a hundred blog posts. I still have a copy of those, but they are too embarrasing to read, so let’s start anew. Anyway, my point is that I like blogging (but I’m also lazy af).

This blog is supposed to be a tech blog. It helps me keep track of stuff that I have done over the years working in the IT industry. Also, I like to train fresh graduates, so there will also be training series.

This blog is done on Jekyll platform, and I really like the experience. If you’re interested, you may as well try it at this post here

If you like me, then I’m also open for hire. Check out my curriculumn vitae if you’re interested.