I have just moved from wordpress to Jekyll as my new blogging platform, and it is pretty fun. I now can write my blog posts in Markdown in my favourite text editor, have my blog version controlled with git, and deploy my site with a simple git push.
Deploying Jekyll is easy, but it can as well be confusing to newbs. Thus, I am writing this tutorial.
Choosing a Jekyll theme
There are lots of free Jekyll themes out there for you to choose with a little bit of googling. The theme I am currently using is Jekyll Mon Cahier. If you’re incline to develop your own theme, well, you can do it later after getting used to Jekyll first.
For the sake of this tutorial, I will be using Jekyll Mon Cahier.
git clone https://github.com/btquanto/jekyll_mon_cahier.git ~/blog
Installing and running Jekyll
You can either choose to install Jekyll, or use a pre-built Docker image
Installing Jekyll to your machine
Jekyll is a ruby gem, thus installing ruby is the pre-requisite
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby=2.0.0
Now is the actuall installing Jekyll part
gem install jekyll
Running your site is easy
cd ~/blog jekyll serve
Learn more about the
jekyll serve
command withjekyll serve -h
Checkout your blog at localhost:4000
Using docker
Using docker is even neater, but the pre-requisite is that you have to install Docker first. Checkout the instructions on Docker’s website
Then, just pull a pre-built docker image for jekyll. I am using btquanto/docker-jekyll here.
docker pull btquanto/docker-jekyll
Just run your site (follow the instructions of whichever image that you use)
cd ~/blog docker run -u $UID -d \ --name jekyll \ -v `pwd`:/src \ -p 4000:4000 \ btquanto/docker-jekyll jekyll serve -H
Deploying your blog
Generate a new ssh key without specifying any password. Save the key to
Go to github.com and add the public key of the newly generated key pair to your account.
, and add the following contentHost github.com-np HostName github.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_np IdentitiesOnly yes
Create some folders for deploying your blog
sudo mkdir /var/www/ sudo mkdir /var/www/blog sudo chown $USER:$USER /var/www/blog mkdir /var/www/site mkdir /var/www/scripts
Clone your blog
git clone [email protected]:<username>/<your-blog>.git /var/www/blog/src
Add a upstart script for serving your website, save it in
description "Start jekyll watch for generating blog" author "Quan To <[email protected]>" start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] exec su <username> -lc "jekyll build -ws /var/www/blog/src -d /var/www/blog/site" respawn
Remember to replace
with your usernameThen start the upstart job
sudo start jekyll-watch
Go to your DNS, create an A record, and point to your server.
Create an nginx config in
server { listen 80; server_name your.domain.name; root /var/www/blog/site/; index index.html index.htm index.php; location / { expires off; try_files $uri $uri/ =404; } error_page 404 /404.html; }
Remember to adjust the file appropriately
Enable the configuration file using a symlink
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/jekyll-blog /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/jekyll-blog
Reload nginx
sudo service nginx reload
Now you can access your website at your.domain.name
Write a script for updating your
folder, put it in/var/www/blog/scripts/update.sh
#!/bin/bash SRC_DIR="/var/www/blog/src" cd $SRC_DIR git fetch git reset origin/master --hard
Give it execution permission
chmod +x /var/www/blog/scripts/update.sh
On your local machine, add an alias for convenient use
echo "alias update_blog=\"ssh user@host /var/www/blog/scripts/update.sh\"" >> ~/.bashrc
That’s pretty much done. Now, everytime you want your server to fetch new blog posts from github and regenerate your blog, just call udpate_blog